error key

Error Key    Symbol            Meaning                     Example 

CS                   Comma Splice              We have never been to Paris, we plan to go there this summer.



AGR                Agreement                    They has a new home.



SP                    Spelling                        I don’t have any regreats.  



WO                 Word Order                 I expect to do a good semester this level and take the next

semester credit courses.


WF                  Word Form                  I am marriage and I have two girls.


VT                   Verb Tense                  I am living in the United States for five years.



WW                 Wrong Word                I work like a nurse’s assistant.



MW                 Missing Word               I’ve been living in US for 3 ½ years. 



Frag                 Sentence Fragment       Also because I want to get my GED.



RO                   Run-on Sentence          I work in a busy laboratory, we receive all kinds of specimens

 and we process them and then we send them back to the

 doctors, this is a good job I like what I do and that’s the

 reason I would like to prepare in this specialty.

  Cap                  Capitalization                I would like to improve my english.